Step 1: Ask your audience what they want Step 2: Sell it to them Step 3: Repeat
As a creator, you’ve already built a great community
Now it’s time to adopt the only business plan you’ll ever need:
Step 1
Ask them what they want
Step 2
Sell it to them
How? The Self-Identification Survey System
Self-Identification Survey System
How are you deciding what to sell to your audience? What are their biggest problems? What do they really want from you?
Your most valuable asset is the intellectual property from the questions that you haven't asked your community yet. They’ll tell you what they want and how much they’ll pay, if you know how to ask.
The Self-Identification Survey System paired with our unmatched market research will not only help your audience feel more close to you, you’ll also establish yourself as the leader in your market.

Market Research
Here’s what World Class Market Research should tell you about your audience:
What do they secretly want but are too afraid/embarrassed to say out loud?
What are their goals, hopes and desires?
What are their fears?
What trends are appearing in front of them right now?
What is the #1 problem they face on a daily/weekly/monthly basis?
What/Who are they angry at and why?
What are the repeated monthly/quarterly/yearly cycles they experience?
For this market, what are the top: blogs, books, podcasts, shows, email newsletters, documentaries, influencers, products, SM channels, forums, apps, websites, keywords
Competitor Research: who is selling what, how are they doing it, what are their results?
Where is the pricing sweet spot?
At Brooker Creek Research, we can provide you with all of these answers PLUS add in all the data and metrics you can think of. Imagine the applications…even if your only goal is to better serve your audience.

Bill has 35,000 hours of hands-on experience plus another 35,000 hours of training in sales, marketing, and public relations. When he looks at any business or market, he sees this “perfect intersection” of sales, marketing, and public relations and he’s not afraid to tell you where you’re missing the mark.
He started a business called the Michelangelo Experience that had a contract with the Vatican, resulted in the purchasing a foundry in Naples and contracting with another in Florence, to create limited edition castings from the molds of thirty-eight of Michelangelo’s Sculptures, all with the Blessing of art dignitaries and Michelanglo’s family museum, Casa Buonarroti… just to be able to fully understand how to put a price on something with subjective real world value.
His father was the principal of one of the best high schools in the nation…possibly THE best. He grew up surrounded by the BEST educators and continued that trend into college and beyond. He seeks truth and tries to understand the underlying forces that affect the world around us.
He excelled in sports as well as theater…somehow that combo worked out. Possibly due to the support of a great family full of doctors, lawyers, senators, engineers, and lawyers.
After a few big financial wins, he turned to investing in non-profits, wanting to help society where it needs it most. Now he’s back to the for-profit world, choosing to focus only on ethical infleuncers surrounded by communities of goodwill. He recognizes this once-in-a-generation opportunity happening in front of us with technology and believes timing is key.
Company Leadership
Jon was born into a loving, high-performing military family. Grandfather a WW2 Ace fighter pilot, brother high-level special operations, etc.
At age 11, Jon was given his first book on leadership by his father; it was Dale Carnegie. The test came at dinner a week later. Jon failed the test. And the next week's test. By the time he went to college, there were 27 such books and tests. But he never failed another test.
Graduated from college with distinction from Marion Military Institute then continued on to Florida State University to gain a degree in Industrial Engineering where he got the reputation of "system check twice, launch once."
Jon took his shot at playing baseball in the majors. Pro scouts still talk about his move to second base, the details of which have been laminated in a spreadsheet, which may someday hang in the Smithsonian.
Age 23, a marketing client once changed the launch sequence of a campaign he was building. Jon put the client in a sleeper hold.
Jon is now a legitimate and accomplished speed reader, trained under the world's fastest reader. He reads two hours daily, seven days a week and has done so for the last fifteen years.
Jon is the proud owner of a $243,000 database of every major marketing training from the last 25 years. It's organized by concept and timecode and is also being considered for a Smithsonian exhibit.
Jon's passion project is sustainable farming and permaculture. This is a perfect lens through which to understand Jon's take on sales and marketing.
Jon has been known to turn most solicitations from clients down, so as to maintain the quality of his work, which is relentlessly researched and always delivered on time, to best-practice marketing standards. This is legitimately his superpower.
He is recognized as one of the best in sequencing complex marketing launches. He has managed million dollar advertising campaigns and created multiple best-selling products in multiple markets.